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Christmas concept in Mandarin

Anni Laoshi

It is almost Christmas season, and during this season, we can see different Christmas decors hanging everywhere. So I have decided to create a post regarding this wonderful season.

I have created a learning video for this topic. You can watch the entire video below.

Don't forget to subscribe on you YouTube channel and be updated for my upcoming videos.

You can download the word chart here. You can print it so that you will have a copy of the concepts, or you can print some more, cut it and use it as memory game card or bingo card.

After you are done reviewing all the concepts. you can try and answer some of the interactive worksheets below.

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For the worksheet below, DO NOT click the maximize button.

There are more interactive worksheets available, become a member using any email address and once approved, you can gain FREE access to all interactive worksheets available for each topic.

Be a member and subscribe now. Click HERE to subscribe.

I hope you are able to learned some of these Christmas concepts in Mandarin.

Until next time, 再见~

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