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How to say the days of the week in Mandarin

Anni Laoshi

你好~ For this post, I will be introducing the how to say the different days of the week in Mandarin.

I have created a learning video on my YouTube channel. You can watch the entire video below.

Let us review again how to say these different days of the week.

Once you are done reviewing all the concepts about day of the week, kindly answer the following interactive worksheets that I have created.

For a better view, click the 'maximize' button and you can click 'play again' to redo and re-answer this set of worksheet.

For the next set of worksheets, DO NOT click the 'maximize' button because doing so will make the interactive worksheet disappear.

If you had fun answering and would like to answer more of the interactive worksheets for FREE, subscribe HERE for free.

Download the a copy of all the concepts below.

I will post about months and dates on my next post. See you on my next blog post, 再见!

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