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Simple Christmas arts 2020

Anni Laoshi

It is Christmas season! And during this festive celebration, we get to see colorful decorations everywhere.

But because of the current Covid pandemic, we have few places that we go to, and kids are not able to go to places too.

With all these events going on, we can still to continue to have the Christmas spirit at our own homes. I have created 4 simple Christmas arts and crafts that you can do at home.

Gather all the materials needed and let's get started!

Ready, set, click! (Christmas camera)

I. Materials needed:

  • scissors

  • any coloring materials ( color pens, crayons, do-a-dot art bottle, etc.)

  • ruler

  • paper cutter

  • clear tape

  • template (check below)

II. Easy steps on how to make Christmas camera

1. Print the template then use a pair of scissors to cut the template.

2. Use the paper cutter to cut the dotted line on the camera template.

3. You can choose to color the template or use the blank template to draw and color your own Christmas celebration.

4. Use a clear tape to to create a glossy film effect for the template. It can also preserve and protect the camera film. :)

5. Design your camera, and place the camera film.

Download the template HERE

Santa Claus

I. Materials needed:

  • paper plate

  • cotton balls

  • glue

  • color paper

  • pom-pom ball

  • googly eyes

  • scissors

II. Easy step by step on how to make the Santa Claus

1. Get a paper plate, and a red paper to measure Santa's hat. Use the scissor to cut out Santa's hat then stick it on the paper plate.

2. Dap a little glue on the tip on the hat and stick a cotton ball to complete Santa's hat.

3. Put more glue along the sides of the paper plate and stick some cotton balls.

4. Put glue at the back of the googly eyes and stick it on the paper plate.

5. Stick the red pom-pom ball to make it the nose.


  1. If you don't have googly eyes, you draw and make your own eyes.

  2. You can use red crepe paper or red scrap paper and roll it into a ball as a replacement for the red pom-pom balls.

  3. Instead of using cotton balls, you can also use tissue to tear and stick on the paper plate. You can also use white paper in replace of tissue using the same process.

Seesaw Snowy Snowman

I. Materials needed

  • tissue roll

  • cotton balls

  • pom-pom balls

  • googly eyes

  • colored paper

  • popsicle stick

  • glue

  • scissor

  • stapler

II. Easy steps on how to make snowman

1. Cut the tissue roll into two, and use the stapler to put them together.

2. Put glue all over the tissue roll and stick cotton balls on it.

3.Use puncher and stick the punched paper as the snowman's mouth, stick a paper scrap as the snowman's nose, googly eyes and lastly stick the pom-pom balls on snowman's belly,

4. Use glue and stick the popsicle stick below and make it seesaw.

5. Use red scrap paper and turn it into a hat. Use glue to stick cotton balls on the tip, and stick the hat on snowman's head.

Christmas socks

I. Materials needed

  • colored paper

  • glue

  • cotton balls

  • puncher

  • 2 pcs white velum paper

  • scissors

  • yarn

II. Easy steps on how to make Christmas socks

1. Use a pair of scissors and cut the out of your Christmas socks.

2. Gather all the colored paper that you wanted and tear them, then spread the glue all over your Christmas socks and stick the colored paper and cotton balls.

3. Use the puncher to punch holes, and then use the yarn to hold the Christmas socks together.


1. You can use old folder or cardboard and stick colored paper to design your Christmas socks.

2. Or you can stick white paper on the reused folder or cardboard, and draw to design your Christmas socks.

And those are are the 4 simple Christmas arts and crafts that you can do at home. I hope you find this blog helpful.

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