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Step by step guide on how to write numbers in Mandarin (0-10)

Anni Laoshi

Numbers is one of the essential topics to learn in any foreign language. For this post, learn the basic concepts of numbers in Mandarin.

Learn how to count from 0 to 10. I have created a flashcard of numbers to make learning for kids.

I paid all the vectors that I have used in all of my flashcards on

Below is the sample of my number flashcard that I have created. You can view more of these flashcards here.

I placed pin yin for all of my flashcards to help aid in reading each Mandarin concepts with the write the tone. Click here to understand and learn more about pin yin.

For this lesson. you learn how write each number correctly using the step by step guide I have provided for each number.

SO, lets start!

ZERO (零)

ONE (一)

TWO (二)


FOUR (四)

FIVE (五)

SIX (六)



NINE (九)

TEN (十)

Now that you learned how to write it step by step, you need to keep on practice on writing each numbers so that you will gain mastery to it. Apart from that, it will now be easier for you to continue counting until 100.

WHY? Because you will simply put the numbers together. For example, after the number ten is eleven. Now how does it work? 十 is for number ten , now you simply put the number '十 ' for 10 and '一' for 1, and that makes the number eleven, which is ' 十 一 ', number twelve is '十二‘,‘十三’ and so forth.

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HOW about 20,30,40,etc? That is easy. Simply put the number two which is ' 二' and add the number ten which is '十', put them together it will now be ' 二十' for number twenty, '三十‘ for thirty, '四十’ for forty, etc. NOW, simply add 1-9 after the word 20 which will be ' 二十一,二十二, 二十三, ...' Follow this system and learning numbers in Mandarin gets easier.


In addition to numbers 0-99, you can also learn how to write the following numbers which are commonly used as well.




Try to review your numbers and keep practicing on how to write, read and count correctly in Mandarin. I will be posting interactive worksheet on my next post.

Until next time, 再见!

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