On my previous post, I shared how to write numbers zero to ten in Chinese, if you would like to learn more about this post, click here.
On this post, I will be sharing how to count from one to one hundred in Chinese.
Are you ready? Let's start!
Numbers in Chinese is easy once you master the most basic numbers which is numbers zero until ten. WHY? Because you simply mix and match these basic numbers and you will be able to count easily once you understand how the system works.
Take a peek of these numbers by watching the video below.
That was a fast recap on how to count from one to one hundred. BUT, where you able to figure out the system on how the numbers in Chinese is formed?
Let's start with the number twenty. Number ten is ‘十’, now you out 2 set of tens, which makes it ‘二十’. How about for thirty, forty, fifty and beyond? It is the same system, thirty is 3 set of tens (三十),forty is 4 set of tens ‘四十’,fifty is 5 set of tens ‘五十’, and use this same system for sixty to ninety.
Now, how about number twenty-one? You simply add number one after the concept of twenty --which is 二十‘一’,二十‘二’,二十‘三’,and it goes on until twenty-nine.
Simple follow this system and your road to mastery for the numbers will be easier.
Apart from numbers 1-100, I have also added two additional information for the numbers one and two.
Number one can be read in two ways.
The most common way to read number one is 'yi'. BUT do you know that it is read differently when you are reading phone or mobile numbers? Instead of reading it as 'yi', it needs to read as 'yao'.
Number two can be read in two ways.
The number two is read differently depending on how you use it. For reading the month of Febrauary, date and rote counting, number two is read in the most common way--which is 'er'. BUT, if your will use number two to indicate the time '2 o'clock', and if you are indicating 'two of something' --which is commonly used together with measure words, INSTEAD of using the word ‘二’, you NEED to use the word ‘两’ for these two purposes.
It is confusing at first, so as a tip, just remember the 2 PURPOSE of using the word ‘两’, and the rest, you simply use the word ‘二’.
If you wish to have a copy of the number chart, download it here.
I have also created interactive worksheets for about this lesson. The vectors used are child-friendly, BUT your can try and answer to check how many can you answer correctly. :)
If you find these interactive worksheet fun, feel FREE to share this post, OR better, be a member on my website for FREE and you will gain all access for all the available interactive worksheet that I have created.
Until next time, 再见!